Well, its kinda basic stuff…
- A user hits a web page
- A user consumes the content on that page
- The user experience produces some valuable data
That content experience data needs to be centralized, presented, aggregated and openly exposed to other user users. This way, all the internet could become something really fucking interesting. No need for a huge servers farm.
Sounds like a good idea?
Well, this idea is one of the ideaz of the Titled Content Network, a project of Mediawrite agency (a content agency). If it sound interesting to you the implementation of such a idea, either as investor, either as supporter (programmer), just drop an e-mail to sam@mediawrite.agency or call 0770,460,340.
Founder și manager al Mediawrite (prima agenție content digital din .ro) de peste 10 ani. Om cu experiență în 100+ proiecte content marketing. Consultant digital marketing. Avocat în Baroul București. Judecător în timpul liber.